Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another party.

After Zachary's party, we went to our ward's Halloween party. Here are some of us in costume.
Parker as Spiderman.

Samantha as the corpse bride

Me as a Southern Belle, do you like me with black, flowing hair?

Andrew as a Confederate soldier. Should he keep the moustache?

I will send pictures of the other two on Halloween.
We have closed on our house and the digging should begin in a week or so.

Party, Party!

Here are the highlights of Zachary's birthday party. We had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese!

Zachary's Viva Pinata cake.

The girls seem to be enjoying themselves!

Get that alligator Parker.

It looks like Joe is having fun.

Hold on Zachary.

Sam and Ian

Ian, Zachary, Joe and Parker all singing Happy Birthday.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pumpkins, Pumpkins!

Here are the creations we made with our pumpkins.

Jessica is so proud of her pumpkin.

My spooky pumpkin.

Zachary's Piplup pumpkin, it's a kind of Pokemon.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Leaves, Leaves

Fall is now here. I think Samantha like leaves as much as she likes snow, she was excited to see them all over the lawn. Samantha raked while Zachary jumped in them and watered his bean plant (Scarlet Bean runner, I think).

Zachary's Bean plant

While these two were outside, Jessica was finishing Spanish homework. Only one more Volleyball game! Parker was on the computer playing one of his favorite online games-Pokemon Crater.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Autumn time!

Fall is coming to the Tri-cities! I love the color of the trees during this time of year.

With Halloween coming the kids are trying to decide what they want to be . Guest who is wearing this Spiderman costume.

Samantha wanted to try on Parker's Spiderman costume and it fit her. Samantha will wear another costume for Halloween not Parker's.

We have not broke ground on our house yet. A Structural Engineer needs to look at the plans to make sure that the house would hold up considering the height that it is. Hopefully we will be able to break ground in two weeks.